Show Rules & Information
The Minnesota Weapons Collectors Association is the largest and oldest firearms collectors group in the State of Minnesota. We are dedicated to the preservation of legal and responsible firearms ownership through education and legislation. The MWCA was established in 1954 by a group of collecting enthusiasts.
All of our shows are open to the public. No one under the age of 18 will be admitted to a show unless accompanied by a supervising and responsible adult. (Parents are preferred.) There is no admission charge for 12 and under.
Antique to Modern Arms, Accessories and Sporting Collectibles.
Admission: $10.00 - Covers Saturday & Sunday (Cash or Credit)
Show Hours:
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Article VII Show Rules of Conduct
Section 1: Exhibits and displays all types of arms and their accessories, along with the Association membership and guest attendance, constitute the primary goals of our Association Show Meetings
Section 2: Illegal Arms and Bulk explosive (excluding empty powder containers) shall not be brought in the meeting hall.

Section 3: The display area referred to shall be understood to comprise only the table surface or surfaces contracted for, and no other. Un-contracted for or vacated tables, other horizontal surfaces, areas under tables , aisle space, adjacent wall areas and all other similar surfaces may not be used for display.
Section 4: No playing of electronic media with audio

Section 5: Any item brought to a meeting which, in the opinion of a majority of the Board Members present, is detrimental to the safety of best interest of this corporation shall be barred. NO LOADED FIREARMS EXCEPT FOR AUTHORIZED SECURITY PERSONNEL
Section 6: All firearms including airguns, crossbows or anything the Executive Director or Security deems necessary must be strapped. All loose ammunition shall be bagged, boxed, wrapped or under display case. Collector cartridges may be exempted by show personnel or BOD. No loose ammunition displayed with firearms.
Definition of acceptable arms and accessories:
Air Weapons
Ammunition: modern and collectible
Archery equipment
Armor Bayonets, daggers, knives, and swords
Firearms of all legal types
Firearms curiosa
Firearms carrying, security, storage, and transportation items
Federally registered silencers
Weapons reference material including; books, catalogs, literature and electronic media
Gunparts, sights, scopes, tactical lights and accessories
Military Weapons and accessories
Military Uniforms and accoutrements
Pole arms and battle axes
Powder Casks and horns
Reloading tools and supplies
Vintage American cowboy accoutrements
Vintage American sporting collectibles, hunting, fishing, trapping
Vintage Native American weapons & artifacts
Vintage paintings, pictures, prints and statuary related to arms and accessories
Military clothing
If you plan to attend MWCA shows, please note the following:
Buy, Sell, Trade (State and federal firearms laws are strictly observed at all MWCA shows.)
Our show management reserves the right to check all bags, purses and containers at the show entrance to ensure that no prohibited firearms or prohibited materials are brought into our show by members of the public.
Any firearms you bring into the show must be checked and secured by MWCA show security, and will remain so while in the show facility.
Any firearm brought into our shows or purchased at our shows will not leave the facility without being cased. Bring your own case or purchase a case from us for $2.00 each at the show entrance.
The MWCA sponsors up to eight shows each year throughout the state of Minnesota. These events present firearms, edged weapons, related accessories and sporting collectibles, from antique to modern. Individuals from throughout the United States participate. Our Annual Trophy Show features many fine collections set up exclusively for display, competition and education.
We want all who attend our shows to have an enjoyable time. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations regarding firearms sales. Here is a link to BATFE rules and regulations for gun show dealers and participants. For answers to specific questions, contact the BATFE directly.
The MWCA is a nonprofit organization. Proceeds go to local youth groups such as the Boy Scouts, firearms safety programs, junior shooting programs and many other worthy organizations including the NRA.
Information can be printed from our web site or you can call to request information be mailed to you.
We appreciate your interest in the MWCA.
Belt buckles, jewelry, toys, tools, trinket, and non-listed items must be arms related and are subject to show manager review
General antiques
Flea market items including bottles, gems, glassware, jewels, minerals, rocks are all subject to review
Parts, kits, manuals, instructions books, ect; for the conversion of legal items to illegal items, making of bombs, silencers, machine guns, ect.
Smoke bombs, military and survival wares, bulk gun powder and tannerite, or any illegal weapon both Federal and State
Prohibited Items:
Books and manuals on government overthrow of anarchy
Bumper stickers and non-military, Non-arms related hats
Non vintage camp stoves, sleeping bags, tents (no new)
Coins, currency , stamps
Dummy ammunition in firearms
machinery, scrimshaw, timepieces
Clothing that is not accoutrement to military, shooting, or show managements discretion